

Your Personal AI Tutor & Homework Helper

Get answers to your math problems or essays in seconds. Cocotrain.AI accelerates student success, no matter where you are.

CocoTrain.AI Illustration
CocoTrain.AI solving a problem CocoTrain.AI step-by-step CocoTrain.AI all-subjects

Improve your grades effortlessly

Answers to all your questions in seconds. Quickly resolve any academic challenge with a single tap.

Choose Your Learning Style

Teacher Mode

Get a detailed breakdown of every problem with examples and context.

Teacher Mode Animation

Answer Mode

Receive direct, concise answers perfect for quick problem-solving.

Answer Mode Animation

Available on All Your Devices

Access CocoTrain.AI anytime, anywhere, on your phone, tablet, or computer.

Simply snap a photo, and CocoTrain.AI will guide you to the solution with clear, step-by-step explanations.

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I have a question . . .

How does CocoTrain.AI work?

CocoTrain.AI is a Chrome extension designed for students. It uses the latest GPT-4o and DeepSeek AI models to provide instant explanations, personalized coaching, and college admissions guidance—all within your browser.

What subjects does CocoTrain.AI support?

CocoTrain.AI supports all standard academic subjects from Grade 1 subjects all the way to AP courses and college subjects.

Is CocoTrain.AI free?

We provide free unlimited access to CocoTrain.AI for 3 days to give you a feel of how we can help you grow. Once you've liked it, you can proceed to unlock more benefits by subscribing for premium or monthly benefits.

How can I use the Chrome Extension?

Download our extension at the Chrome Web Store. Once you have installed the extension, you can use it on any website by clicking on the CocoTrain.AI icon in the top right corner of your browser.

What are you waiting for? Let's get started!


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